CoolSculpting FAQs
Are there any side effects to CoolSculpting?
Yes, and some of the most common ones include temporary numbness, redness, swelling, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, and pain. In most patients this will resolve within 1 week.
Can you treat male breasts (gynecomastia) with CoolSculpting non-surgically?
Yes, although it is not currently approved by the FDA for this indication. However, your physician may have experience with use of the device for this problem.
Is CoolSculpting effective on love handles or is Liposuction give better results?
Both are effective for treating love handles. However, the best option would need to be determined during a consultation with a physician.
What areas of the body can CoolSculpting be used on?
CoolSculpting is cleared by the FDA for use on the abdomen, inner thighs, outer thighs, and flanks. It can also be used on other areas depending upon the physician’s judgment.
What is the difference between CoolSculpting and TruSculpt?
TruSculpt is a radiofrequency treatment in which heat is applied, rather than cold, to induce death of the fat cells. It is associated with moderate pain during treatment and results are somewhat user-dependent. CoolSculpt is a cold and suction device, in which fat cells die secondary to the cold. Specific areas are targeted for a more customized approach.
How long until I see visible results from CoolSculpting?
Most patients will begin to see results in 4 weeks following treatment, while best results will be seen 2-4 months later.
How long does a treatment take?
Each targeted site requires 45 minutes - 1 hour for treatment.
How many treatments are needed to see results?
This varies from patient to patient, but most require 1-2 treatments per site to see excellent results.
Can Coolsculpting treat my inner thighs?
Yes! CoolSculpting is approved by the FDA for treatment of inner thigh fat, which is both notoriously difficult to address with exercise and hated by women worldwide.
Does CoolSculpting hurt? What are the risks?
Most patients report discomfort during the first five minutes when the cool vacuum is applied. However, the area quickly becomes less sensitized. There is a small risk that the area treated will continue to tingle or have pin-prick sensations over the next 1-2 weeks, but this does resolve.
Is the procedure painful?
Most patients report pressure and intense cold during the first five minutes of treatment. This sensation usually dissipates after five minutes, and mainly patients are able to read, check their email, or nap during the remainder of the procedure.