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Tuberous Breast Surgery in NYC with Dr. Nina Naidu
For many of Dr. Naidu’s patients, the decision to have tuberous breast surgery is about much more than their breasts. As a specialist in tuberous breast surgery, Dr. Naidu’s goal is to help her patients understand their options and feel their best.
Video: Dr. Naidu Talks About Tuberous Breast Deformity
Surgery Guide:
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Tuberous Breast Deformity – Grolleau I
Video: Tuberous Breast Deformity Lecture at New York Presbyterian Hospital
Tuberous Breast Surgery Before & After Photos
Top FAQs: Fat Grafting for Tuberous Breast Update
Tuberous Breast Surgery in NYC
Women with tuberous breasts are typically very self-conscious of their breasts. Because breasts play a large role in a woman’s femininity, a tuberous breast deformity may cause women to hide their breasts and refrain from social activities. Dr. Nina Naidu, an experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon, performs tuberous breast surgery that can help to restore your breasts to a normal shape and size.
Unlike most other breast pathology, the tuberous breast deformity becomes obvious during puberty. Young teenagers see their friends develop round breasts – while they may develop small, asymmetrical breasts with enlarged and full areolae. Even the term “tuberous breast,” which is named after tuberous vegetables such as potatoes, is a disheartening description of their breasts.
Tuberous breast surgery is a difficult and highly individualized process that is both physical and emotional. You will require a surgeon – such as Dr. Naidu – who will treat you with compassion and respect and will take the time to educate you about your options.
For many of Dr. Naidu’s patients, the decision to have tuberous breast surgery is about much more than their breasts. As a specialist in tuberous breast surgery, Dr. Naidu’s goal is to help her patients understand their options, so that every woman can look and feel her best.
What is Tuberous Breast Deformity?
Tuberous breast deformity has several characteristics. These include:
- diminished or absent breast tissue below the level of the nipple with a tubular shape to the breast
- enlarged areolae with tissue herniation
- an elevated inframammary fold (the fold between the lower breast and the chest)
Tuberous breast deformity is congenital and becomes obvious at puberty. Each woman has individual challenges based on her anatomy, the extent of the deformity, and the degree of asymmetry of her breasts.
Your First Consultation with Dr. Naidu in NYC
The first part of your tuberous breast surgery is a comprehensive consultation in our NYC office during which Dr. Naidu will discuss what tuberous breasts are and why breasts can form this way. She understands that this can be a difficult process for women who are used to hiding their breasts.
Next, Dr. Naidu will review your medical history and perform an examination of your breasts. She will be looking at the degree of deformity, your skin quality, and how to balance your breasts with your body shape.
Dr. Naidu will explain your options for reconstruction and whether or not you are a good candidate for tuberous breast surgery. These options will depend on your anatomy and preferences. At this appointment, Dr. Naidu will explain the surgery in detail and make specific recommendations for you based upon your examination. Dr. Naidu will also discuss the length of your surgery, the location of your incisions, and what to expect during your recovery. Pre-operative photographs are taken at this visit. These photographs are an important part of your surgical planning and are considered part of your medical record. They will never be shown to other patients without your written permission.
Dr. Naidu will fully answer your questions and address your concerns. The decision to have tuberous breast surgery is highly personal. Dr. Naidu’s goal is to help you fully understand your options and to support your decision, whether or not you decide to proceed with surgery.
Your Second Consultation with Dr. Naidu
If you decide to proceed with tuberous breast surgery, you will have a second consultation with Dr. Naidu in our NYC office. Your clinical photographs will be reviewed, any additional questions will be answered, and paperwork for surgery will be completed. If you will be having implants placed during surgery, sizing will be done at this visit. Implant size recommendations are made based upon both your anatomy and your goals.
Depending on your medical history, Dr. Naidu may advise you to discontinue certain medications prior to surgery. If you are a smoker, you must not smoke for eight weeks before or after the surgery. For your safety, Dr. Naidu will request your medical records (if applicable) and may order additional screening tests.
Options for Tuberous Breast Surgery in NYC
Tuberous breast surgery requires an individualized approach based upon your anatomy and personal goals. In general, Dr. Naidu will need to address the following issues for patients with tuberous breasts:
Reducing the size of the nipple-areolar complex
Reduction of the diameter of the nipple-areolar complex can dramatically change the appearance of the breast by centering the areola on the breast mound for a more aesthetic appearance. In almost all cases of tuberous breast surgery, the incisions are confined to the area around the areolae only.
Releasing constricted tissue at the base of the breasts
- Tuberous breasts acquire their shape from restriction of growth at the base of the breasts, forcing breast tissue to grow preferentially at the superior pole of the breast and into the areola. Dr. Naidu addresses this constriction by surgically releasing the tight tissue at the base of the breast.
Changing the shape of your breasts
The tubular shape of your breasts can be altered by reshaping your breasts, either through release of the constricted tissue alone or by a simultaneous breast lift.
Enhancing your breast size
Breast size can be enhanced using an anatomical implant, round implant, or occasionally through fat grafting. In very selected cases, tissue expanders are required to expand the skin prior to placement of a permanent implant.
Tissue Expansion in Tuberous Breast Surgery
In Grolleau III cases of the tuberous breast deformity, the breast skin may be tight. In these cases, Dr. Naidu may recommend a period of tissue expansion to stretch out the breast skin prior to placement of a permanent implant at a second surgery. The tissue expander is an inflatable implant which is placed beneath the skin, breast tissue, and pectoralis muscle. Through a small valve in the expander, salt water is gradually injected – over a period of about three months – until the expander is full.
Once the expansion is complete, your breast skin will be allowed 3 months to accommodate to the new size. A second surgery is planned during which the expander is removed and replaced with a permanent implant. Dr. Naidu will recommend the size, shape and type of implant that will create the best results.
Immediate Permanent Implant Placement in Tuberous Breast Surgery
Most patients are candidates for immediate placement of permanent breast implants at the time of correction of their tuberous breasts. Although both round and anatomic implants have been used to fill out the lower pole of the breasts where tissue is traditionally diminished in women with tuberous breasts, Dr. Naidu most frequently uses smooth round silicone gel implants in these cases. Fat grafting is an option in a very small group of patients who have enough donor tissue to fill the breasts. However, it generally produces a very modest increase in size, and does not completely expand the lower pole of the breast. Some women will require a smaller, second surgery 1-2 years later for minor revisions to their breasts.
Good Candidates for Tuberous Breast Reconstruction in NYC
You are a good candidate for tuberous breast reconstruction if you would like your breasts to have a more natural shape, have realistic expectations for the procedure, and are in good general health.
Cosmetic breast surgery is not performed on women under the age of 18 and implants are not approved for women under the age of 18. However tuberous breast surgery is considered to be reconstructive surgery and can be performed on women as young as 16 years of age if their breasts have stopped growing. Dr. Naidu will advise you if you are a good candidate for the surgery.
It is also essential that you have realistic expectations. Your reconstructed breast may not have the same sensation as your natural breast tissue. You will also have incision lines on your breast, although these scars will fade over time. The use of implants has risks and may require additional monitoring with yearly examinations. In our experience, despite these drawbacks, most women are extremely happy with their new breasts.
Tuberous Breast Surgery in NYC
Tuberous breast surgery is performed using general anesthesia. During your consultation, Dr. Naidu will explain her surgical plan and make sure that you understand the details of your surgery.
Your tuberous breast surgery will be performed in a hospital or at an outpatient center and you will return home the same day. Additional surgeries, if required, may be performed in a surgery center. These surgeries may be required for minor revisions to your breasts.
Recovery from Tuberous Breast Surgery
You will wake up from your tuberous breast surgery with small tape dressings on your incisions and wearing a surgical bra. Dr. Naidu will give you specific instructions to follow after your surgery. She will give you prescriptions for pain management, as well as instructions about how to take care of your incisions. Immediately following surgery, it will be difficult to lift your arms over your head and you will need assistance with personal activities. Dr. Naidu will provide you with written instructions about how you can return to normal activity quickly and safely.
While many of Dr. Naidu’s patients are very independent, it is important to remember that tuberous breast surgery is a invasive surgery and that post-surgical assistance will be required. We strongly recommend that you create a plan to take care of yourself and your family, so that you can focus on your recovery.
Complications of Tuberous Breast Surgery
During your consultation, Dr. Naidu will explain the risks of tuberous breast surgery to allow to you to make an informed decision. As with other surgeries, the risks of tuberous breast surgery include bleeding, infection and scarring. If you are having augmentation, additional risks include capsular contracture (scar tissue around the implant), rippling of the implants, and implant rupture.
Complications from tuberous breast surgery can be reduced by carefully following your pre-operative and post-operative instructions.
Cost of Tuberous Breast Surgery in NYC
Although tuberous breast deformity is considered a congenital deformity, it is not covered by insurance plans. Please call our NYC office at 212-452-1230 and we will be happy to provide information about the general cost of tuberous breast surgery. You will be provided with the exact cost of your procedure following your consultation with Dr. Naidu.
Tuberous Breast FAQs
What is tuberous breast deformity?
How can I tell if I have tuberous breast deformity?
What type of anesthesia is used for tuberous breast surgery?
Can tuberous breast surgery and breast augmentation procedures be performed on the same surgery?
Can tuberous breast surgery with implants provide symmetrical results?
Can tuberous breasts be corrected without the use of implants?
Will I have visible scars from Tuberous Breast Surgery?
What is the recovery process?
Is it possible to breast feed after tuberous breast surgery?
Should I wait until after pregnancy to have tuberous breast surgery?
How long after the surgery can I go back to my regular exercise routine?
Choosing Dr. Naidu for Tuberous Breast Surgery in NYC
Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast comprise a large part of Dr. Naidu’s NYC surgical practice. She has a special interest in Breast Augmentation and in reconstruction of the tuberous breast. Since 2006, Dr. Naidu has served as a clinical investigator in the Breast Implant Follow-Up Studies (BIFS) trials. Dr. Naidu offers her patients the full range of breast implants available in the United States.
Dr. Naidu completed her undergraduate studies at The Johns Hopkins University and obtained her medical degree from Cornell University Medical College. After completing her general surgery and plastic surgery training at New York Presbyterian – Weill Cornell Medical Center, she performed an additional year of fellowship training at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Naidu is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College.
Schedule a Tuberous Breast Surgery Consultation in NYC
Our office is located at 1021 Park Avenue in NYC. If you’d like to learn more about tuberous breast surgery – and whether it is right for you – please call our office at 212-452-1230 and schedule an appointment.
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Tuberous Breast Surgery Before & After Photos
The tuberous or tubular breast deformity refers to a congenital condition in which the breast fails to develop fully. The ideal breast is round with breast tissue spread out across the chest. In a tuberous deformity, the volume of breast tissue may be normal or deficient, but it is concentrated directly below the nipple. As a result, the breast may appear long and narrow. The best treatment for this deformity is to release the constricted breast tissue through an incision around the areola. The nipple-areolar complex is generally reduced at the same time, and the infra-mammary fold under the breast may also need to be lowered. The region of constriction is opened, and the breast tissue is allowed to splay out naturally. An implant is usually placed at the same time to provide additional volume. In severe cases, tissue expansion of the skin and existing breast tissue may be recommended prior to insertion of the final implant. If implants alone are placed without releasing the tissues, the result will be a breast mound with a deformed and narrowed breast on top of it.
Tuberous breast deformity is also associated with a high incidence of asymmetry between the breasts. The revision rate following tuberous breast surgery is generally higher than that following breast augmentation.
For more information about tuberous breast deformity correction in Manhattan, please contact the office of Dr. Naidu.
Rating: 5
Dr. Nina S. Naidu Reviewed by Nicole L.
“Amazing person and exceptional doctor is how I would describe Dr. Nina Naidu. From Pre-Op to Post-Op care, Dr. Naidu and her staff made the process easy and comfortable. Dr. Naidu’s demeanor, talent, and work is phenomenal. I have never had surgery before this and thought I would be nervous, but I wasn’t, because of her! She is so knowledgeable and confident that she made me feel at ease. We had discussions on different sizes that I wanted to be reduced to but I trusted her implicitly to make the final decision to get me to a size that was appropriately proportioned for my build. The results were exactly what I wanted! She far exceeded my expectations, they are perfect!”