Manhattan – Breast Lift with Augmentation

Innovative technological advancements in plastic and reconstructive surgery have led to a multitude of procedures that are specifically designed to enhance an individual’s appearance. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ 2016 National Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, the number of breast enhancement procedures performed annually continues to rise.

Every woman wants to look her best. As such, the breasts are one area of the body that many women residing in Manhattan request Dr. Nina S. Naidu to address. Dr. Naidu is an experienced, board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in NYC who performs breast enhancement procedures.

Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

A breast lift is a surgical procedure that is specifically designed to address pendulous breasts as well as large areolae (the pigmented skin that surrounds each nipple). During a breast lift, Dr. Naidu reshapes the breast tissue and removes any excess breast skin. She then elevates the breasts and moves each nipple-areolar complex to a higher position on the breast, providing the patient with more youthful-looking breasts and an improved breast profile.

Breast Augmentation (Breast Implant Surgery)

Breast Augmentation procedures are used to increase the volume of the breasts using breast implants.

Dr. Naidu Performs Combination Breast Enhancement Procedures

Dr. Naidu can perform a single breast enhancement procedure (i.e., a breast lift) or combination procedures (i.e., a breast implant surgery with a lift). One of the most common combination procedures that Dr. Naidu provides women in Manhattan is a breast augmentation with lift. Dr. Nina S. Naidu regularly performs this combination to provide women residing in and around Manhattan with the natural-looking and youthful breasts.

What Can a Breast Lift with Augmentation Accomplish?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Naidu can determine whether or not a breast lift with augmentation will accomplish your goals. However, below is a brief overview of the issues that a breast augmentation with lift can be used to address.

A breast lift with augmentation in Manhattan can be used to:

  • restore breast volume that has been lost;
  • increase breast size;
  • improve the contour of the breasts;
  • elevate the breasts;
  • eliminate excess skin;
  • address pendulous breasts;
  • improve the projection of the breasts;
  • reduce the size of each nipple-areolar complex;
  • raise each nipple-areolar complex; and/or
  • enhance the symmetry of the breasts.

Who Should Consider a Breast Lift with Augmentation?

If you would like fuller breasts with smaller areolae which sit higher on your chest, a breast lift with augmentation may be a good option for you.

Taking the First Step

Women in Manhattan who are interested in having a breast enhancement procedure should contact Dr. Naidu’s office at 212-452-1230 to schedule an initial consultation. For the convenience of her patients, registration paperwork can be printed and completed prior to the first appointment.

An Initial Consultation with Dr. Nina S. Naidu in Manhattan

Dr. Naidu will review your paperwork and ask questions related to your surgical goals with a breast lift with augmentation.

Information Dr. Naidu needs to know includes:

  • current medications (over-the-counter and prescription);
  • vitamins and herbal supplements you take regularly;
  • previous surgical procedures;
  • family history, especially of breast cancer; and
  • any previous mammograms and breast biopsies.

If you desire to become pregnant and/or breastfeed at some point in the future, you may want to hold off on having your breast lift with augmentation. To help patients who are interested in growing their families decide if they would still like to proceed with a breast lift with augmentation, Dr. Naidu will thoroughly explain the impact that pregnancy and breastfeeding have on the breasts. Pre-operative photos are taken at this visit for reference as she creates your surgical plan. These pictures are considered part of your medical record and will never be viewed by other patients without your written consent. Vectra XT 3-D imaging is sometimes used to assist in surgical planning and provides patients with an idea of their potential post-operative appearance.

Dr. Naidu will examine and measure your breasts. She will determine how much existing breast tissue you have and the degree of ptosis she will need to address. If Dr. Naidu determines that you are a good candidate for a breast lift with augmentation, a detailed surgical plan will be presented to you. As Dr. Naidu likes her patients to make informed decisions related to the plastic and reconstructive procedures they choose to have, she will take the time to educate you on the breast lift with augmentation procedure.

A Second Consultation with Dr. Naidu in Manhattan

After scheduling a surgery date, patients are provided with a second appointment during which they have the opportunity to ask additional questions. Photographs are reviewed and the surgical plan is discussed in greater detail. Implant sizing is also done at this time, and is based upon your breast measurements, tissues, and goals. Dr. Naidu assists her patients in determining the characteristics of the breast implant device that will serve the patient best. You will also be able to try on different ‘sizers’ so you will have a better idea of your final result after your breast augmentation with a lift.

Each patient will be given pre-surgical instructions based on her medical history. You may need to discontinue taking certain medications prior to surgery. If you smoke, you will need to stop smoking for at least eight weeks before and after your breast lift with augmentation. You may be required to have pre-surgical testing (i.e., a mammogram, blood work, etc.) or visit your family physician to attain a preoperative clearance.

A Breast Lift with Augmentation in Manhattan

Your breast lift with augmentation will take approximately 2 hours and is performed in a NYC ambulatory surgery center. Dr. Naidu prefers using general anesthesia so that you will be completely safe and comfortable during the surgery. The evening prior to surgery, you should not eat or drink anything after midnight. This ensures that you have an empty stomach prior to surgery, which is very important for your safety.

You will meet with Dr. Naidu immediately before your breast lift and augmentation. She will make several marks on your breasts for use during surgery, as well as answer any additional questions that you may have.

Dr. Naidu typically uses the vertical, or “lollipop”, incision for breast lift surgery with augmentation. Depending on the amount of excess breast tissue that must be removed, an additional incision may be needed at the base of the breast. This incision provides a very natural and lifted shape to the breast which endures with time. Once the incisions are made, excess skin and tissue are removed in order to raise, lift and firm the breasts. Implants are inserted into a pocket created behind the pectoralis muscle. Incisions are brought together using layers of sutures to support your newly lifted breasts.

After surgery, you will awaken with small dressings on your breasts and a light support bra. You will observed for 1-2 hours prior to being released to return home. Patients must have someone available to escort them home following surgery, and ideally remain with them overnight.

Recovering from a Breast Augmentation with a Lift in Manhattan

The majority of patients experience only mild swelling, bruising and tenderness in their breasts for several days. Although many patients report that they experience very little pain, Dr. Naidu provides her patients with pain medication to ensure that they remain comfortable as they recover. Patients can usually return to work within five days of their breast lift with augmentation.

Light activity can be resumed the evening after your surgical procedure, but you should avoid strenuous activity for at least two weeks. Dr. Naidu’s patients receive a detailed protocol of gentle activities that they can perform beginning the night of surgery. Performing these activities allows for a more rapid recovery.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, consider breast enhancement in Manhattan with Dr. Nina Naidu. Contact her office at 212-452-1230 to schedule your initial consultation.


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