For more, visit our Breast Lift page or call us at (212) 452-1230.
49 year old woman underwent bilateral breast lift through a vertical (“lollipop”) incision.
For more, visit our Breast Lift page or call us at (212) 452-1230.
51 year-old woman underwent bilateral breast lift through a vertical incision
For more, visit our Breast Lift page or call us at (212) 452-1230.
305 cc silicone gel implants placed through an infra-mammary incision into the dual-plane position.
For more, visit our Breast Augmentation page or call us at (212) 452-1230.
355 cc silicone gel implants placed through an infra-mammary incision into the dual-plane position. She is shown prior to surgery and 3 months postop.
For more, visit our Breast Augmentation page or call us at (212) 452-1230.
41 year old woman underwent bilateral breast augmentation with Sientra 305 cc smooth round silicone gel implants placed through an infra-mammary position into the dual-plane (submuscular).
For more, visit our Breast Augmentation page or call us at (212) 452-1230.
40 year-old woman underwent bilateral breast augmentation with Sientra 305 cc smooth round moderate plus projection silicone gel implants.
For more, visit our Breast Augmentation page or call us at (212) 452-1230.
27 year-old woman underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 210 cc silicone gel implants placed into the dual-plane position through a peri-areolar incision.
For more, visit our Breast Augmentation page or call us at (212) 452-1230.
33 year old woman underwent bilateral breast augmentation with 295 cc silicone gel implants placed into the dual-plane position through an infra-mammary incision.
For more, visit our Breast Augmentation page or call us at (212) 452-1230.
24 year-old woman underwent bilateral breast augmentation with Sientra 215 moderate profile silicone gel implants placed into the dual-plane (submuscular) through an infra-mammary incision.
For more, visit our Breast Augmentation page or call us at (212) 452-1230.