I am thrilled to announce that my practice is now an official drop-off location for Free the Girls, an international 501(c)(3)non-profit organization devoted to freeing women and girls from sex trafficking. Free the Girls collects new and gently used bras and then ships them to ground partners in El Salvador, Mozambique, and Uganda, who then empower girls and women to earn a safe income selling bras in the second-hand market. The goal is to allow these women to achieve economic freedom for a better future. To date they have collected over 600,000 bras from women all over the world, and are currently exploring launching additional pilot programs in other parts of Africa and Central America.
My own breast reduction patients regularly donate bras for us to send to Free the Girls, but if you are in the New York area and would like us to send bras on your behalf, please feel free to drop them off at the office. You can also contribute directly to this wonderful organization. To learn more, please visit freethegirls.org.