Breast Augmentation Frequently Asked Questions


1. Breast Lift vs Breast Augmentation: Which one is best for me?

If you like your size when wearing a bra, but you note that your breasts sag or droop out of the bra, then a lift is a good option. If you feel too small in your bra, then augmentation is a better option. Some patients need both, but this is best determined during a consultation.

2. How do I choose the right breast implant size?

Breast implant sizing is based upon a patient’s individual measurements, specifically, the width of the base of her breast, the distance from her nipple to the fold underneath her breast, and the amount of stretch in her breast skin. For this reason, it’s impossible to give a formula of a specific implant size to achieve to specific cup size.

3. Do breast implants lift slightly sagging breasts?

No, breast implants will never lift the breast or skin. The addition of volume gives the breasts a fuller appearance, which sometimes also appears to have lifted the nipple as well. However, the implant itself does not lift anything.

4. Can I have breast implants under local anesthesia?

No, I perform all of my breast augmentation surgery under general anesthesia. Patients require medication to relax the chest adequately for muscle relaxation, and it would be dangerous to attempt this under local anesthesia alone.

5. Can I have breast implants if I’m planning to have kids in the future?

Yes, definitely. Many women have had children following their surgery.

6. Can I breast feed if I have breast implants?

Yes, most women with implants are able to breastfeed after surgery, as the ducts to the nipple are not cut. However, if you were unable to breastfeed prior to surgery, you obviously won’t be able to do so afterwards either.

7. What is the best shape of implants to achieve more natural looking results?

The best shape for a patient depends on her tissues and goals. Anatomic implants provide a very natural shape, but one study showed no difference in the results with anatomic versus round implants after 6 months.

8. Do silicone implants harden over time?

Implants do not harden over time, but sometimes the normal scar tissue around the implant can become firm. This is called capsular contracture, and in 3-5% of patients, this scar tissue will be firm and sometimes painful. Unfortunately, we cannot currently predict which patients will develop capsular contracture.

9. Do breast implants need to be replaced over time?

If an implant is soft and in good position, it can be left in place indefinitely. However, the implant shell begins to weaken after about ten years. For this reason, the risk of rupture increase after this time. If an implant ruptures, replacement is recommended.

10. How long is the downtime for breast augmentation surgery?

I allow my patients to shower and perform most daily activities the same day of surgery. Sexual activity and strenuous activity are not permitted for 2 weeks following surgery. Most patients are off of pain medication within 2 days, and are able to return to work 4-5 days after surgery.

11. Silicone vs. Saline: Which breast implant is safer?

Both implants are safe. Numerous clinical studies have shown no increased risk of breast carcinoma, connective tissue disease, or other disorders with the use of both silicone and saline implants.

12. What are the risks of breast implant surgery?

The main risks following surgery include bleeding, infection, scarring, implant rupture, and capsular contracture (scar tissue around the implant).