Breast Augmentation Revision near Queens

As the number of breast implant surgeries rise, so does the number of breast augmentation revision surgeries that need to be performed by an experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Due to her experience and dedication, many women choose to have Dr. Nina S. Naidu perform their breast augmentation revision procedures. Dr. Naidu is an experienced board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon with an office near Queens.

Reasons Women Choose to Have a Breast Augmentation Revision Near Queens

There are a variety of reasons that women choose to have a breast augmentation revision procedure with Dr. Nina S. Naidu near Queens:

Sometimes, women are unhappy with the final result of their breast implant surgery and would like to either add volume to, or decrease the volume of their breasts.

As time passes, the skin of the breasts may drop lower secondary to the weight of very large implants. These can be exchanged to smaller implants with a simultaneous breast lift.

A woman may not like the position of her implants. Breast implants placed subglandularly (above the pectoralis muscle) are associated with more scar tissue, and a woman may choose to have the implants changed to a new position beneath the muscle.

Some women are interested in ‘upgrading’ their implants to one of the newer breast implant devices available.

In the event of complications, women may choose to have a breast augmentation revision to address the problem.

Dr. Naidu can address any of these issues by performing a breast augmentation revision. During this procedure, she typically uses the same incision location as the previous surgeon to remove the old implants, address the area of concern, and then place new implants.

A woman may choose to have her breast implants removed altogether. Dr. Nina S. Naidu can also accomplish this with a breast augmentation revision procedure.

Potential Complications a Breast Augmentation Revision Near Queens Can Address

As with any surgical procedure, complications can arise. Dr. Naidu’s experience allows her to address these complications to provide women with the natural-looking, beautiful results they desire.

A Breast Implant Revision Near Queens – The Procedure

Breast implant revision can be a more challenging surgery then the primary augmentation depending upon the patient’s specific complaints. The procedure Dr. Nina S. Naidu uses depends on the issue being addressed.

Complications Dr. Naidu can address with a breast augmentation revision:

Rupture/Deflation of a Breast Implant

Rupture or leakage of saline or silicone implants can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  • underfilling or overfilling a saline implant;
  • damage to the implant during the breast augmentation procedure;
  • excessive compression of an aged implant during a mammogram;
  • an injury to the breast;
  • capsular contracture;
  • closed capsulotomy (squeezing the breast manually to break the hardened capsule surrounding the implant);
  • implant placement through the navel; and/or
  • aging of the implant itself.

Rippling/Implant Visibility

Implant rippling and visibility can occur when the tissue covering the implant is inadequate. Generally, the rippled implant becomes more visible when the woman leans forward. This rippling can occur medially (in the middle), superiorly (at the top) or laterally (at either side).

Saline breast implants are more likely to cause rippling than silicone implants. Textured implants may also be associated with more rippling than smooth implants.

The Solution

If the breast implants were placed above the pectoralis muscle, Dr. Naidu can remove them, create a new pocket beneath the muscle and place new implants.

Submuscular rippling can occur when textured implants are used, in which case Dr. Naidu will remove the textured implants and replace them with smooth silicone implant devices.

The Implant Can be Felt Beneath the Skin

Implant palpability is not unusual in patients who are very thin, who have little native breast tissue, or who have had the implant placed above the muscle.

The Solution

To address this problem, if the implant was initially placed subglandularly, Dr. Naidu can reposition the breast implant beneath the pectoralis muscle.

Capsular Contracture

This condition affects approximately 5 percent of women who undergo breast implant surgery. Capsular contracture can affect one or both breasts.

The body naturally forms scar tissue around any foreign body; however, capsular contracture occurs when an excessive amount of scar tissue (frequently referred to as the capsule) accumulates around the implant. If this thick scar tissue tightens around the breast implant it causes pressure on the breast implant itself, which makes the breast implant contract. Once contracted, the breast feels firm. If severe, the breast may be painful and distorted.

According to the Baker Grading System, there are four levels of capsular contracture:

  • Grade IBreast is still soft and appears natural.
  • Grade IIBreast looks natural, but feels slightly firm.
  • Grade IIIBreast looks distorted and feels firm.
  • Grade IVBreast appears abnormal, feels hard and hurts.

The Solution

During a breast augmentation revision for capsular contracture near Queens, Dr. Naidu will remove the implant and all scar tissue and place a new implant.


Symmastia occurs when there is no separation in the middle of the chest between the breast implants.

The Solution

Dr. Nina S. Naidu can correct symmastia during a breast augmentation revision near Queens by removing the old implants implants, closing down the open space which allowed the implants to meet, and creating pockets under the pectoralis muscle for new implants.

Fold Malposition

During the initial augmentation, the surgeon creates a pocket in which to place the implant. The folds of the breast (infra-mammary and lateral) are markers when creating this pocket. If this pocket has not been created correctly, the implant will not sit in the appropriate position and revision surgery must be performed.

The Solution

To solve this problem, Dr. Nina S. Naidu removes the implants, corrects the pockets, and places new implants.

Double Bubble

If a woman has what is referred to as a ‘double bubble,’ her breast implants fall below her infra-mammary crease (where her breast and chest meet). A line will be visible along her lower breast.

Causes of double bubble include:

The Solution

To correct the double bubble deformity during a breast augmentation revision near Queens, Dr. Naidu begins by removing the implants, releasing any constricted tissue, and then placing new implants into the corrected pocket. The incision is closed with strong sutures which bring the incision precisely into the infra-mammary fold.

Bottoming Out – Breast Implant Displacement

As time passes, the pocket created to hold the breast implant may fail due to a gradual loss of support at the bottom portion of the breast. This loss of tissue causes the implant to move downward, gradually lowering the base of the breast. Eventually, the base of the breast will rest below the infra-mammary fold.

The Solution

Dr. Nina S. Naidu can use permanent sutures to restore the pocket or create a new pocket for the implant.

A Large Nipple-Areolar Complex

During a breast augmentation revision near Queens, Dr. Naidu can also reduce the size of the patient’s nipple-areolar complex.

The Solution

Dr. Naidu removes the excess pigmented skin surrounding the nipple.

If you are not satisfied with the results attained through your initial breast augmentation, or you are experiencing complications related to the procedure, Dr. Nina S. Naidu can help. Her experience, compassion and dedication to providing her patients with the beautiful, natural-looking breasts they desire make her the perfect choice for women in need of a breast augmentation revision. To schedule your initial consultation at her office near Queens, call 212-452-1230.


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