Dr. Naidu uses the DermaSweep™ MD system to perform hydro-assisted dermabrasion. This system allows the physician to physically remove the epidermis and upper portion of the dermis in a controlled manner. Dermabrasion is used to treat facial wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, and scarring secondary to acne or surgical procedures. It is also an excellent treatment for fine wrinkles around the lips, which are typically resistant to many other modalities. Treatments are performed in the office under local anesthesia and typically take less than one hour to perform. A light dressing is applied immediately following the procedure, and Aquaphor is used to occlude the skin for an additional six days. Patients will be prescribed pain medication and an antibiotic. Most patients report mild discomfort for 12 hours following the procedure. Swelling and oozing are present for 1-3 days, followed by mild redness of the skin for 2-4 weeks. Although makeup can be applied after the skin has re-epithelialized (usually after one week), patients are advised to take 4-7 days off work and household activities to recover after their procedure.