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Breast Augmentation in NYC
NYC Breast Augmentation Specialist Dr. Nina Naidu – Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
The size, shape and proportion of a woman’s breasts can affect her self-perception, her femininity, and even her sense of physical balance. Dr. Nina S. Naidu is a female plastic surgeon in New York City (NYC) who is dedicated to providing women with breast augmentation results that closely resemble the look and the feel of their natural breasts.The art of breast augmentation involves much more than simply increasing the size of the breast; it is a creative endeavor that improves a woman’s physical beauty, positively affecting her self-confidence. Dr. Nina S. Naidu and her entire staff are dedicated to providing women in and around NYC with the highest quality of care possible. If you are interested in learning more about the various cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive procedures available, please contact our NYC office today.
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About Breast Augmentation Surgery in NYC
Dissatisfaction with the shape or size of your breasts can have a negative impact on your confidence and self-esteem. Breast augmentation is a way to enhance your existing breast tissue. Many of Dr. Nina Naidu’s breast augmentation patients are women whose breasts have changed secondary to aging, pregnancy or weight loss. Their goal is to have natural-looking breasts that make them feel more attractive.
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that uses implants to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation is particularly popular among women whose breasts have diminished in size due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breast implants are also used to enhance body proportion and correct breast asymmetry caused by genetics, injury or illness.
Deciding To Have Breast Augmentation
Many of Dr. Nina Naidu’s patients who choose to have breast augmentation surgery have already completed their families, although there is no contraindication to having breast augmentation if you are planning to become pregnant in the future. A large number of her patients decide to have a breast augmentation to improve their self-esteem and increase their confidence level. As an experienced, board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in New York City, Dr. Naidu is dedicated to helping each of her patients attain the breasts that they desire.
Breast Augmentation: Your 1st Consultation
An initial consultation is the first step towards determining if a breast augmentation in NYC will provide a patient with the results she desires. During this comprehensive consultation at our office in NYC, patients meet the medical staff and get to know Dr. Nina S. Naidu. Patients should be prepared to explain what they would like to achieve with a breast enhancement procedure. The results the patient desires determine which breast enhancement procedure Dr. Naidu recommends. For example, a patient may want Dr. Naidu to decrease the size of her areola and add volume to her breasts. These goals can be accomplished through a breast augmentation with areolar reduction surgery.
Your 1st Consultation: Medical Information Is Gathered
During this consultation, Dr. Naidu will request information about the patient’s medical history. Necessary information includes specifics related to previous surgical procedures, health conditions, mammograms, breast biopsies, current medications, herbal supplements and vitamins. If applicable, she also needs to know about the patient’s alcohol consumption, nicotine, and/or recreational drug use.
Your 1st Consultation: A Physical Examination Of The Breasts Is Performed
After collecting this information, Dr. Naidu will conduct a physical examination of the patient’s breasts. She will determine the health of the skin and the soft tissue of each breast. Dr. Naidu will measure the base width of the breast and note the quality of the breast skin. This information is collected to help her determine the patient’s optimum breast implant size and the ideal location for the pocket in which the implants will rest. Photographs are taken at this visit to assist with surgical planning. They will not be shown to other patients without your written consent.
After The Consultation
Once the consultation is complete, Dr. Nina S. Naidu will know if the patient is a good candidate for a breast augmentation in NYC. At this time, if a patient has yet to complete her family, Dr. Naidu will explain how becoming pregnant and breastfeeding may affect the results achieved during a breast augmentation in NYC.
Breast Augmentation: Your 2nd Consultation
Breast implant characteristics vary in shape, size, volume, type and consistency. Therefore, during the second consultation, Dr. Naidu helps the patient choose the ideal breast implant given both her anatomy and personal goals. To determine the optimal breast implant for a given patient, both the patient’s existing measurements and goals are taken into account. Sizers suited to a patient’s measurements are used to assist in selecting the optimal implant size.
Dr. Naidu will also explain her plan for your surgery. She will let you know the length of your surgery, the location of your incisions, and what to expect during your recovery. You will also complete the necessary paperwork for the surgery.
Depending on your medical history, Dr. Naidu may advise you to discontinue certain medications prior to surgery. If you are a smoker, you must not smoke for four weeks before or after the surgery. If you are over the age of 40 or have a family history of breast cancer, you will need to have a screening mammogram prior to your breast augmentation surgery. For your safety, Dr. Naidu may also order additional screening tests or request preoperative clearance from your regular medical doctor
Choosing the Right Breast Implant for Your Breast Augmentation
The success of your breast augmentation surgery depends on choosing the best implant type, style, size and location for your body. Dr. Naidu will help make these crucial decisions based on the measurements of your breasts, the amount of existing breast tissue, your aesthetic goals, and your body frame.
Types of Breast Implants
Saline Breast implants
Saline breast implants are structured like a balloon that is filled with sterile salt water. Saline implants are less expensive than other types of implants and require a smaller incision. One benefit of saline breast implants is that, if the implant leaks or is damaged, your body easily absorbs the saline solution. Some people feel that saline breast implants do not look or feel as natural as other types of implants. They are also prone to rippling and wrinkling. Saline breast implants are approved for patients who are at least 18 years old.
Silicone Breast implants
Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel and feel and look much more like natural breast tissue. They are now available in both round and anatomic shapes. The term “gummy bear” refers to anatomic (teardrop) shaped silicone gel implants which contain a highly cohesive gel. Although silicone implants have a long history of safety, patients must be monitored regularly by their physician to assess for rupture. Silicone breast implants require a slightly larger incision and are approved for patients who are at least 22 years old.
Breast Augmentation: Position of Breast Implants
All breast implant devices can be placed submuscularly or subglandularly. If placed submuscularly, the device will rest in a pocket beneath the pectoralis muscle. If the implant is placed subglandularly, the device will lie in a pocket above the pectoralis muscle, but beneath the breast tissue itself. An implant may be placed underneath the muscle in the upper pole of the breast and beneath the tissue in the lower pole of the breast; this placement is referred to as the “dual-plane”.
Dr. Naidu’s preference is to use a dual plane placement, which creates a pocket for the implant beneath the muscle and the breast tissue. This dual plane placement provides optimal coverage of the implant. It also avoids visible implant edges and rippling.
Placing implants under the breast tissue is not advised for women with thin breast tissue. This lack of breast tissue means that the implant edges may become more visible, the implant may show rippling, and/or the implant edges can be felt. Subglandular placement can result in a higher risk of capsular contracture (scar tissue formation). Finally, mammograms are more difficult to perform with implant placement beneath the breast tissue.
There are significant advantages with submuscular and dual-plane implant placement. The edges of the implant will be well-concealed and not as easily felt. Mammograms are simpler to perform because the breast tissue is easier to compress when the implant is placed behind the muscle. Finally, there is a significantly lower risk of capsular contracture when the implant is located behind the pectoralis muscle. For these reasons, Dr. Naidu will likely select this placement for your implants.
Breast Implant Shape
Dr. Naidu will help you determine the best shape for your implants. Both saline and silicone breast implants are made in round shapes. Silicone implants also come in a teardrop (anatomic) shape. Dr. Naidu prefers to use smooth silicone gel round implants for most cosmetic breast augmentation cases unless the patient has a specific preference.
Teardrop implants are most commonly used for reconstruction patients who have lost much of this tissue due to prior surgery. Dr. Naidu will advise you which shape is best for you.
Breast Implant Texture
Implant surfaces are smooth or textured. Smooth implants move easily and feel soft, while textured implants have a slightly bumpy surface. The benefits of texturing include its association with lower levels of capsular contracture, and the adherence it creates to the tissues, preventing implant rotation. This is particularly important in the case of teardrop implants, which will change the shape of the breast with rotation. In the rare instance in which a teardrop implant shifts in position, a secondary surgery may be required. A newer type of silicone breast implant has a microtextured surface, which provides lower rates of inflammation without adherence to the tissue. Dr. Naidu most frequently uses smooth, round implants for her primary breast augmentation patients.
Surgical Options for a Breast Augmentation
When determining which incision will provide the patient with the best results, Dr. Nina S. Naidu takes into consideration the patient’s preferences and anatomy. The infra-mammary incision has been shown in several studies to be associated with a lower risk of capsular contracture, or scarring around the breast implant. The type of implant being placed can also affect the location of the incision.
Breast Augmentation: Pre-Surgical Appointment
During this appointment, patients have the opportunity to envision how they will look after their procedure by trying on a limited number of sizers which have been selected based upon the patient’s measurements and goals. Dr. Naidu will assist the patient in determining the implant type, volume, shape and position that will provide her with the best result possible. Specifics related to the procedure itself will be discussed and the patient will complete her pre-surgical paperwork as well. Patients should feel free to ask any questions they have about preparing for surgery, the surgical procedure itself and the recovery process.
Breast Augmentation: Preparing for Surgery
Following breast enhancement surgery, post-surgical assistance is necessary. We recommend that patients create a recovery plan designed to make caring for themselves and their families easier. This will allow the patient to focus solely on her recovery.
Patients who are 40 years of age or older, or those with a family history of breast cancer, must have a mammogram prior to their breast augmentation procedure. Patients who smoke must discontinue smoking for at least four weeks before and after their breast augmentation in NYC.
Since certain medications and diet aids must be discontinued prior to surgery, patients should speak with Dr. Naidu about their use of daily medications, vitamins and herbal supplements. As a precautionary measure, Dr. Naidu may order additional tests and/or request preoperative clearance from the patient’s general practitioner.
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure. Therefore, some level of post-surgical care is required. One of the best ways to prepare for surgery is to create a care plan prior to her breast enhancement procedure. A care plan may include creating or stocking up on pre-cooked meals for the family, making a recovery area that has everything she may need for the first few days of her recovery, and finding someone to take care of her small children and/or pets immediately after her breast augmentation in NYC. By preparing ahead of time, the patient can focus on her recovery.
Breast Augmentation: The Day of Surgery
Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure that is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. Patients will need a responsible adult to escort them home once their surgery is complete. Breast implant surgery usually lasts 45-60 minutes, and the patient will be observed for an additional 1-2 hours after surgery prior to being released. If multiple procedures are being performed during the same surgical session, the length of the procedure increases.
Breast Augmentation: Incision Placement Options
Incision placement is determined by a variety of factors. During the breast augmentation procedure, Dr. Naidu takes care to camouflage any incisions she creates within the natural folds of the armpit and breast or around the areola.
Breast Augmentation: The 3 Incisions Commonly Used
Incision options for a breast augmentation include the:
- Peri-areolar Incision – placed between the pigmented skin of the nipple-areolar complex and the breast skin.
- Infra-mammary Incision – created within the crease that is located at the base of the breast.
- Axillary Incision – placed within the armpit.
Breast Augmentation: What to Expect Immediately Following Your Surgery
Prior to leaving the recovery area, detailed instructions about recovery will be provided. Dr. Naidu recommends that patients take a 2-3 hour nap after returning home, and then have something to eat with their pain medication. They may shower the same day to remove any markings left on the skin. Patients should then begin to perform gentle arm exercises which will be described in detail. By returning to gentle, controlled activity quickly, patients will note a shorter and less uncomfortable recovery period.
About Breast Augmentation Surgery in NYC with Dr. Naidu
During your consultation, Dr. Naidu will explain her surgical plan. You will know the location of your incisions, the type of implant, and how your implants will be positioned.
Dr. Naidu commonly uses one of three incision placements. These incisions are the infra-mammary incision (located at the crease beneath the breast), the peri-areolar incision (located at the border between the breast skin and the pigmented skin of the nipple-areolar complex) and the axillary incision (located within the armpit).
As much as possible, incisions are hidden in the natural folds of the breasts or armpit, or around the areola. Dr. Naidu provides patients with a scar balm to be used on the incisions for three months following surgery. Incisions will fade over time.
Breast Augmentation: Recovery
Recovering from a breast augmentation in NYC
Once the surgery is complete, patients will remain in the recovery area for 1-2 hours. Prior to leaving the recovery area, detailed instructions will be provided. Dr. Naidu recommends that patients take a 2-3 hour nap after returning home, and then have something to eat with their pain medication. They may shower the same day to remove any markings left on the skin. Patients should then begin to perform gentle arm exercises which will be described in detail. By returning to gentle, controlled activity quickly, patients will note a shorter and less uncomfortable recovery period.
Heading Home
- Patients will be seen in the office 2-3 days following surgery. This is a brief visit to ensure that recovery is progressing well.
- Any tenderness should resolve within 48 hours following surgery.
- Patients should avoid strenuous activity, heavy lifting, and sexual activity for at least two weeks after their breast augmentation with Dr. Naidu.
To learn more about the breast enhancement procedures available, call (212) 452-1230 and make an appointment with Dr. Naidu. Dr. Naidu’s NYC office is located at 1021 Park Avenue
Breast Augmentation: Potential Risks
The risks associated with breast enhancement procedures will be discussed during the consultation. These risks include infection, bleeding, and scarring. Risks that are specific to a breast augmentation include rippling, rupture, and capsular contracture.
Breast Augmentation: Reducing the Risk of Complications
Choosing a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon can reduce the likelihood of a complication. Following Dr. Naidu’s recommendations, providing a thorough medical history and following the pre-operative and post-operative instructions will also decrease the likelihood of complications.
Breast Augmentation: Costs
The costs associated with a breast augmentation vary, but you will be given a detailed quote at the time of the initial consultation. Breast augmentation is considered to be cosmetic and is not covered by health insurance. If the patient decides to undergo breast augmentation, a pre-surgical consultation will be scheduled.
Breast Augmentation: A Custom-Tailored Procedure
Dr. Nina S. Naidu creates a surgical plan for each of her breast augmentation patients which is specifically designed to meet the patient’s needs. Once the physical examination has been completed, Dr. Naidu will be able to describe in detail what the patient’s breast enhancement procedure will entail. If the patient is a good candidate for a breast augmentation, she will discuss the type of implant, incision location and implant position that will provide the optimal result. If Dr. Naidu believes that a combination of procedures or a different procedure will provide the patient with optimal results, she will discuss these options as well.
Choosing Dr. Naidu for Breast Augmentation in NYC
Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast comprise a large part of Dr. Naidu’s NYC surgical practice. She has a special interest in breast augmentation and in reconstruction of the tuberous breast. She offers her patients the full range of breast implants.
Dr. Naidu completed her undergraduate studies at The Johns Hopkins University and obtained her medical degree from Cornell University Medical College. After completing her general surgery and plastic surgery training at New York Presbyterian – Weill Cornell Medical Center, she performed an additional year of fellowship training at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Naidu is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College.
Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation in NYC
Our office is located at 1021 Park Avenue in NYC. If you’d like to learn more about breast augmentation, please call our office at 212-452-1230 and schedule an appointment.
Breast augmentation is performed to enhance the size of the breasts. A woman’s breasts may be congenitally small or asymmetric, or they may have changed following pregnancy or weight loss. Breast augmentation can produce a more feminine size and shape to the breasts while maintaining a natural look and feel. Most women report an improved self-image following breast augmentation surgery.
Breast Augmentation Consultation in NYC with Dr. Naidu
During your initial consultation with Dr. Naidu at her New York City office, she will review your desires and expectations from surgery. Dr. Naidu will perform a complete medical history and an examination of the skin and soft tissue of the breasts. The most important measurements are the base width of your breasts and the amount of existing breast tissue, as these factors will determine the optimal size and location for your implants. The risks and benefits of surgery will be discussed with you, and Dr. Naidu’s assistant will provide you with scheduling and financial information.
A second consultation is scheduled once a patient has decided to undergo surgery. At this time the implant size is selected based upon the measurements taken. The patient is offered sizers to try on which correspond to these measurements. Dr. Naidu will spend as much time with you as you need to determine the best shape and size for your body frame while respecting your desires as to your cosmetic results. At this visit the necessary paperwork for surgery is also completed, and preoperative photographs are taken. These photographs are an important part of your surgical planning, and are considered a part of your medical record. They are never shown to other patients without your written permission. Women over the age of 40 years or with a family history of breast cancer will be scheduled for a screening mammogram prior to breast augmentation surgery.
Silicone and Saline Breast Implants in NYC with Dr. Nina Naidu
As of November 17, 2006, both silicone and saline implants are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the breasts. Silicone implants are made of a thick cohesive gel, and are filled by the manufacturer prior to implantation in the operating room. Saline implants consist of a silicone shell and are filled with a salt-water solution. These are not filled until after they have been placed in the breast during surgery. Although Dr. Naidu offers both types of implants in her practice, the overwhelming majority of her patients have opted for silicone implants since their re-approval in 2006.
Both silicone and saline implants come in different sizes, shapes, and textures. Dr. Naidu typically uses smooth round silicone gel implants for cosmetic breast augmentation in order to produce a natural shape. For some patients, textured teardrop-shaped, or anatomic, implants are a better fit. Size is determined by your tissue characteristics and the measurements of your chest wall. In general, a specific range of sizes fits best into each patient. The implant profile refers to how much projection from the breast wall the implant will give you. All three of the major manufacturers of breast implants in the United States make implants which have low, medium, and high projection. The choice of implant projection is determined by both your wishes as a patient and your anatomy.
Breast Augmentation Procedure in NYC with Dr. Nina Naidu
During surgery, the incision for placement of the implant may be made at the edge of the nipple-areolar complex on the breast (peri-areolar), within the armpit (transaxillary), or beneath the breast at the crease (inframammary). Dr. Naidu most frequently uses the inframammary incision as this incision provides excellent access to the breast tissue and tends to heal very well. The implants are placed either behind the pectoralis muscle on the chest (subpectoral), or behind the breast tissue (subglandular). Patients with very little native breast tissue generally will have their implants placed in the subpectoral position to provide a natural shape with camouflage of the implant edges. The procedure takes 45 minutes to 1 hour to perform and is done on an outpatient basis at an ambulatory surgery center.
Breast Augmentation Recovery
Immediately following surgery small pieces of tape are placed over the incisions. Drains and pumps are not used. Most swelling will resolve within one month, and the breasts will achieve their final shape and size within six months. You should expect to remain out of work for 3-4 days. Light activity including walking is permitted and encouraged immediately following surgery. Heavy exercise, lifting, and sexual activity should be avoided for two weeks following surgery. You may return to chest exercises six weeks after surgery.
Dr. Nina Naidu – NYC Breast Augmentation Surgeon
Dr. Nina S. Naidu is a NYC breast augmentation surgeon. Her office is located at 1021 Park Avenue in NYC. Dr. Naidu performs breast augmentation surgery on women from NYC and around the world who seek breast augmentation for both aesthetic and reconstructive purposes.
NYC breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Nina Naidu spends a great deal of time with her patients during their consultations. It is Dr. Naidu’s goal for each consultation to be as educational as possible, without pressure to schedule a procedure. Her recommendations will help you reach your aesthetic goals, without compromising your safety.
Dr. Naidu offers her NYC breast augmentation surgery patients the full range of breast implants that are available. These implants include saline implants; silicone gel implants; and anatomic, highly-cohesive gel implants.
Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the breast comprise a large part of NYC breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Naidu’s surgical practice. She has a special interest in breast augmentation, and in reconstruction of the tuberous breast.
Dr. Naidu completed her undergraduate studies at The Johns Hopkins University and obtained her medical degree from Cornell University Medical College. After completing her general surgery and plastic surgery training at New York Presbyterian – Weill Cornell Medical Center, she performed an additional year of fellowship training at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Naidu is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College.
NYC breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Naidu is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Naidu maintains privileges at New York Presbyterian Hospital – Weill Cornell Medical Center.
Consultations in NYC with Dr. Naidu
To request a consultation, please call Dr. Naidu 212-452-1230 or visit her office at 1021 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10028.
FAQs about Breast Augmentation
Can hormone therapy be used to increase the size of a woman’s breasts?
Do the pumps that claim to enlarge the breasts actually work?
How and when do I start massaging my breasts following breast surgery?
How can I determine which size breast implant is best for me?
How does smoking cigarettes affect my breast augmentation results?
When do the breasts stop developing?
How do you perform the massage that you do to your breasts after a Breast Augmentation?
What can I expect as I recover from my breast augmentation (BA)?
After a BA, what are the symptoms that indicate you have an infection?
What are the signs of Capsular Contracture?
Can creams or pills make my breasts bigger?
What are the characteristics of tubular breasts?
When will my breasts soften?
What signs indicate a hematoma has developed?
My nipples are extremely sensitive, to the point that they hurt even when fabric touches it; how long will this last?
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Dr. Nina S. Naidu Reviewed by Nicole L.
“Amazing person and exceptional doctor is how I would describe Dr. Nina Naidu. From Pre-Op to Post-Op care, Dr. Naidu and her staff made the process easy and comfortable. Dr. Naidu’s demeanor, talent, and work is phenomenal. I have never had surgery before this and thought I would be nervous, but I wasn’t, because of her! She is so knowledgeable and confident that she made me feel at ease. We had discussions on different sizes that I wanted to be reduced to but I trusted her implicitly to make the final decision to get me to a size that was appropriately proportioned for my build. The results were exactly what I wanted! She far exceeded my expectations, they are perfect!”