Manhattan – Gummy Bear Breast Implants
Breast implant devices come in various shapes, sizes, textures and materials. One of the newest generations of these devices is the form-stable cohesive gel implant, which is also referred to as ‘gummy bear’ breast implants. Dr. Nina S. Naidu is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Manhattan who performs breast augmentation surgery using the innovative gummy bear breast implant devices.
The Reason Form-Stable Cohesive Gel Implants are Referred to as ‘Gummy Bear’ Breast Implants
The consistency of the form-stable cohesive gel implant is very similar to that of a piece of gummy bear candy. A gummy bear maintains its shape even if it is cut in half; the same is true of the form-stable cohesive gel implant, leading to this nickname.
The Benefits of Form-Stable Cohesive Gel Implants
Because form-stable cohesive gel implant devices are not filled with liquid, the effect of gravity on them is minimal. Their gummy-like texture ensures that they will not leak or change shape. Additionally, form-stable cohesive gel implants feel very similar to natural breast tissue.
Similar to other silicone implant devices, gummy bear breast implants look and feel more natural than traditional saline implants. Furthermore, women who have a smaller frame typically choose silicone implants, including gummy bear implants, because silicone is less likely than saline to create visible folds or wrinkles. Also, form-stable cohesive gel implant devices have a low rupture and capsular contracture rate. Capsular contracture is a painful condition that involves the formation of hard scar tissue around the implant.
Gummy bear implants are available in two shapes: round and anatomical. An anatomically-shaped implant resembles a ‘teardrop.’ This teardrop shape helps maintain fullness in the upper portion of the breast. Anatomically-shaped form-stable cohesive gel implants maintain their shape even when placed in an upright position. This ability to remain in the upright position prevents the creation of folds in the upper pole of the breast and shell collapse.
The body naturally creates tissue around any prosthesis. The textured outer shell of cohesive gel implants allows adherence of the tissue to the implant’s shell, helping it to remain in its original position and prevent implant rotation.
Gummy bear implants may be an ideal solution for women who:
- require breast reconstruction following a mastectomy;
- have congenital breast defects;
- are very thin; and/or
- have relatively small breasts.
Disadvantages of form-stable cohesive gel implants:
- Currently, the available shapes and sizes of gummy bear implants are limited.
- These implants are more natural-looking, and may not be the perfect solution for an individual who would like a more enhanced aesthetic.
- While the majority of women are happy with the way form-stable cohesive gel implants feel, some women state that they are too firm.
- In order to place a gummy bear breast implant, Dr. Naidu must create a slightly larger incision in the infra-mammary fold than is necessary for traditional silicone implant devices.
- Form-stable cohesive gel implants do cost more than their traditional counterparts.
During your initial consultation, you can feel samples of each type of implant that Dr. Naidu offers. This should assist you in determining if form-stable cohesive gel implants are for you.
Please Complete Registration Information Prior to Your Initial Consultation
Prior to your first visit with Dr. Naidu, please print the registration forms available here, complete them and bring them with you to your initial consultation.
Your Comprehensive Consultation in Manhattan
Dr. Naidu will review your registration information, including your medical history. Please be prepared to discuss what you would like her to accomplish during your breast augmentation in Manhattan. You should be candid with Dr. Naidu about your desires. If you are considering a future pregnancy or intend to nurse, Dr. Naidu will discuss the impact that these actions will have on your breasts.
Dr. Naidu will examine the skin and soft tissue of your breasts. She will also measure your breasts. These measurements are used to determine where your implants should be placed and which size implant will provide you with optimal results.
Dr. Naidu will take pictures of your breasts. These photos are used to create your personalized surgical plan and remain a part of your medical record. Our patients’ privacy is important to us; your pictures will never be viewed by another patient without your written consent.
If it is determined that you are a good candidate for a breast augmentation, Dr. Naidu will talk about the breast augmentation procedure, all the implant options available, including gummy bear implants, and answer any questions.
A Pre-Surgical Consultation in Manhattan
Should you decide that you would like Dr. Naidu to perform a breast augmentation, you will return to her office in Manhattan for a second consultation. During this pre-surgical consultation, you will have the opportunity to try on a variety of implant sizers. These sizers will help give you an idea as to how your breast profile will appear following your breast implant surgery with Dr. Naidu.
Dr. Naidu is happy to assist you in choosing the size, shape and volume of form-stable cohesive gel breast implant that she believes will create the feminine silhouette you desire. She makes all of her recommendations based on the breast measurements she took during your initial consultation, your aesthetic goals, physique and existing breast tissue.
Once the size and shape of implant has been chosen, Dr. Naidu will outline her surgical plan for you.
Details will include:
- the length of your surgical procedure;
- incision locations; and
- information related to recovering from breast implant surgery with gummy bear breast implants.
At this time, you will also complete the surgical forms necessary to proceed with your breast augmentation at a surgical facility in Manhattan.
Preparing for Breast Implant Surgery with Form-Stable Cohesive Gel Implants in Manhattan
As each patient is unique, Dr. Naidu will advise you how to prepare for your upcoming surgery based on your specific circumstances. For example, if you take certain medications, you may need to discontinue them for a certain length of time prior to your surgery. If you smoke, you will need to discontinue smoking for at least eight weeks before and after your breast augmentation. Patients who are 35 years of age or older and patients who have a family history of breast cancer will need to undergo a mammogram before their breast implant surgery with gummy bear breast implants. In addition, you will need to have routine lab tests performed prior to your surgery.
A Breast Augmentation with Form-Stable Cohesive Gel Implants: The Procedure
Breast augmentation surgery lasts approximately 45-60 minutes and does not require hospitalization. You will return home the same day of your surgery. Since general anesthesia will be administered during your surgery, you will need to arrange transportation to and from the surgical facility. Once anesthesia is administered and you are asleep, Dr. Naidu will begin the surgical procedure.
There are three incision locations that Dr. Naidu typically uses: the peri-areolar, the infra-mammary and the axillary. However, gummy bear implants require an infra-mammary incision based upon their stable form. This incision is created within the breast crease located at the base of the breast.
Once the incision has been made, the pectoralis muscle is dissected and the gummy bear implant can be placed. Dr. Naidu prefers to place breast implants submuscularly (as opposed to subglandularly). After placing the breast implants, the incisions are closed.
What to Expect as You Recover from Breast Implant Surgery in Manhattan
Prior to leaving the surgical facility in Manhattan, you will receive detailed instructions as to how you should care for your incisions. You will also receive a prescription for pain medication.
Dr. Naidu requires that patients have someone remain with them overnight. You may perform light activities; however, more strenuous activities must be avoided for at least two weeks.
Directly after your gummy bear breast implant surgery, your arms and chest will be tight. If you follow Dr. Naidu’s instructions related to arm exercises, you will have the ability to return to your normal activities sooner than if you do not. Dr. Naidu recommends that you begin your arm exercises on the evening after your surgical procedure.
You should expect to experience breast tenderness. The amount of pain experienced varies greatly; however, many of Dr. Naidu’s patients state that they have very little pain following their breast augmentation with gummy bear breast implants. Swelling may be present for up to three weeks.
Women who are in good health and at least 22 years of age are eligible to receive gummy bear breast implants. If you are considering breast enhancement surgery, please contact our Manhattan office at 212-450-1230. As a female plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Nina S. Naidu understands the role that femininity plays in a woman’s perception of herself.
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